Johnathan Edwards


Jonathon Edwards was the only male child of 11 kids. He was the descendant of many great thinkers and preachers. He was very dedicated to his life as a preacher. Being a graduate of Yale at the age of 17 and acquiring his masters at 21. His actions and beliefs remind me a lot of Ben Stein, or as most people know him as the guy that was Ferris Bueller’s teacher. Ben Stein talks in a monotone much like Edwards, and he is highly educated and well respected for his political beliefs. Stein went to Columbia University and later became a law professor, writer and actor. To learn more about Jonathon Edwards go to this place right here<—

One comment

  1. Jake McComas · October 10, 2015

    Wow I never would of compared the two ,but since you pointed it out I can totally see the comparison. Great post! They are both really monotone people wit not much excitement it seems like.


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